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Root CAnals

Leave Your Tooth Pain At The Door

Tooth pain is quite possibly one of the worst sensations you can experience. Whether due to oral trauma or infection, it can make necessary daily activities like eating, drinking and even sleeping seem nearly impossible. If you’re noticing lingering tooth sensitivity after eating or drinking something cold, feeling a sharp pain when biting or chewing, you’re not alone. A toothache is almost always a sign that infection has damaged the pulp within your tooth root. The damage could be a result of a severe tooth crack or fracture, injury to a tooth, or extensive tooth decay that has reached the inside of the tooth.

Without treatment, the infection will continue to cause tooth pain, can lead to tooth abscess and in worst case scenarios, will require the tooth to be extracted. Dr. Jon Robert Friedberg performs root canal treatments as gently as possible and administers sedatives to ensure your comfortability. Periodontal Associates of Greater Houston are the ones to choose for your root canal treatments to ensure you are living a life of excellent oral health for a lifetime!

Endodontics Remedy Deep Dental Issues

Located in the root of your tooth, the root canal consists of the pulp chamber, the main canal(s) and other branches that connect the root canal to each other to the surface of the root. If the pulp of the tooth becomes damaged, a root canal must be performed to remove the pulp to help avoid any further damage to the tooth. Even with the pulp of the tooth housing the tooth’s connective tissue, nerve endings and blood vessels, the tooth can still function properly after a root canal.

When the pulp of the tooth is damaged, it can’t heal itself. If left untreated, the infection can not only spread and continue to worsen, it can lead to a serious condition called septicemia – where the infection from your tooth spreads to the rest of your body. Delaying this procedure can create issues bigger than the localized toothache that can be removed with the help of our root canal specialist, Dr. Friedberg. Dr. Friedberg is fluent in advanced dental technology and endodontics procedures, making Periodontal Associates of Greater Houston in Houston, TX a leading dentistry in making root canals comfortable and safe for every patient!

Root Canal Therapy

A root canal is a proven method for treating tooth pulp that is inflamed or infected and saving the tooth. If left untreated, the infection can cause severe pain and/or lead to an abscessed tooth. While the myth persists that root canals are painful, advances in dental technology have resulted in root canals that are no more uncomfortable than having a cavity filled. After undergoing a root canal, a customized natural-looking crown is required to prevent fracturing and maintain tooth function and aesthetics.

Root Canals And Next Steps

Once an in-depth consultation is complete to examine your toothache, Dr. Friedberg will conduct the root canal surgery. A small incision in the surrounding gums will be made before gently removing the tooth. Once the tooth is removed, Dr. Friedberg will close up the extraction using stitches. Dr. Friedberg will then go over your post-extraction instructions for you to follow while you heal over the next 10 days. After recovery, your tooth pain will be gone! However, we don’t recommend that you leave a gap in your smile for very long – if at all.

Even one missing tooth can spoil your smile and create functional and cosmetic concerns. The bone beneath the gap can begin to deteriorate without tooth roots to keep it healthy. Dr. Friedberg can help you avoid all those issues with the help of a dental implant and a natural-looking crown. This crown is a beautiful, high-quality, realistic crown that looks, feels and performs like a natural tooth that is built to last a lifetime! Don’t hesitate to ask Dr. Friedberg about adding this step into your treatment plan, today!

Conditions That May Call For A Root Canal:

Severe pain while chewing or biting

A chipped or cracked tooth

Lingering sensitivity to hot or cold

Deep decay or darkening of gums

Swollen or tender gums

Benefits Of Our Endodontic Procedures

If the pulp inside your tooth roots becomes infected, this and the bacteria inside the canal must be removed to save your tooth and your overall health. During your root canal procedure in our Houston, TX practice, our dentist will first numb the treatment site with local anesthetic. You won’t feel any pain, though you may experience slight pressure as we complete the procedure. Many patients compare our root canals to having a cavity filled!

We’ll remove a portion of your tooth crown to gain access to the pulp chamber and clear out all the infection, bacteria, and damaged pulp and tissues. Disinfecting and cleaning the canals is the next step before filling them with a hardening material call gutta-percha. Your tooth will then be sealed to keep bacteria from entering the chamber and root canal. You’ll need a dental crown to ensure your tooth remains strong and functional after treatment. And to ensure your smile isn't affected by a visible, gray root, our endo whitening procedure can bleach the tooth.

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