Restore Your Smile With All-on-4® Implants in Sugar Land, TX

Are you looking for a permanent solution to get the beautiful, full smile you’ve always wanted? The All-on-4® dental implant solution from Dr. Friedberg & Associates may be the answer. This cutting-edge technique uses only four dental implants, doesn’t require bone grafting, and can give you a brand-new smile in as little as one day. Our team proudly offers dental implants to patients in the Sugar Land, Texas, area, and we’d be happy to help you.

Benefits of the All-On-4® Implant System

The All-On-4® system can be used even in those with low bone volume or density. What’s more, it has been shown to have a 98.5% success rate at the four-year follow-up.

Dr. Friedberg & Associates proudly offers All-on-4® dental implants because they provide the following benefits:

· Improvement in bone density and volume

· Easy to care for and maintain

· Restored ability to chew and eat

· They won’t slip or need to be removed

· Boost in self-confidence

· Permanent results

· Minimal recovery time

Dental implants function just like natural teeth, and you’ll enjoy the benefits for years to come.

How We Perform the All-On-4® Procedure

First, our implant dentist will numb your mouth so you won’t experience discomfort or pain. They will then place four dental implants in the areas with the most bone volume. After the implants are in place, they will attach a temporary set of teeth to your implants for a complete smile.

Dental implants take about 3-4 months to fuse to the jawbone fully. Dr. Friedberg will confirm this at your follow-up appointment and anchor the final, permanent set of teeth to your implants.

Contact Us To Schedule an Appointment

Dr. Friedberg & Associates offers All-On-4® dental implants in the Sugar Land, TX, region. If you’re interested in restoring your smile with this highly effective technique, reach out to our friendly team today to schedule an appointment.

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