Skilled Professionals Offering Dental Implants in Baytown, TX

Many people who are missing multiple teeth choose traditional dentures to restore their smile. However, traditional dentures can lead to bone deterioration and other problems. Dr. Friedberg & Associates, serving patients in Baytown, Texas, offers an alternative to replace missing teeth: dental implants. Dental implants are permanent solutions to fill in gaps caused by tooth loss. Our team specializes in this procedure, and we offer standard dental implants in addition to the state-of-the-art All-on-4® system.

The Dental Implants We Offer

Dr. Friedberg & Associates has various tooth implant options, which include the following:

· All-on-4® dental implants, which involve placing four implants to support a full-arch tooth replacement on the upper or lower jaw. All-on-4 implants don’t require bone grafting.

· Implant-supported dentures, offering a better fit than traditional dentures.

· Zygomatic dental implants, which are implanted into the zygomatic bone (cheekbone), are a good alternative for those with bone loss in the upper jaw.

Dental implants are titanium screws implanted into the jawbone. After the implant procedure, there is a healing period where the screws are allowed to fuse to the bone to provide a stable base where crowns are attached. These crowns complete your smile and restore your ability to chew and speak.

Dental Implant Benefits

Dental implants can last for decades and won’t cause bone deterioration, which can occur with long-term traditional denture use. Dental implants offer the following:

· Stimulated bone growth for a stronger jaw

· No slipping or clicking, which can happen with traditional dentures

· Restored tooth function

We will evaluate your bone density and consider your dental health when recommending dental implants.

Get Started With Dental Implants

Schedule an appointment with a skilled implant dentist serving Baytown, TX. The team at Dr. Friedberg & Associates can help you get the smile of your dreams. Contact us today to learn more.

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