The Experts for Periodontics in the Sugar Land, TX, Area

Are you looking for an experienced periodontal dentist in Sugar Land, Texas? If so, Dr. Friedberg & Associates is the office to call for top-of-the-line periodontics and oral health care services. Our specialists can examine your gums, determine the state of your gum health, and recommend treatments to prevent gum disease from progressing. We strive to provide each patient with excellent dental care and gum maintenance in a friendly, relaxed environment.

Effective Gum Disease Treatments

Dr. Friedberg & Associates implements numerous techniques to treat periodontal disease and improve gum health. These methods include the following:

· Gum grafts, which restore receding gums caused by periodontal disease

· LANAP® laser treatment (the only FDA-approved laser treatment for periodontal disease), which removes harmful bacteria while preserving healthy gum tissue

· Crown lengthening to prevent tooth decay and gum disease in cases where the gums cannot support a dental crown

· Pinhole Surgical Technique™, a minimally invasive procedure to restore your gum tissues quickly

Each patient’s periodontal disease case is unique. Our specialists in periodontics will take the time to perform a thorough evaluation and create a customized treatment plan for you.

Reach Out to Our Gum Specialist Today

Contact Dr. Friedberg & Associates for periodontics and other oral health care services in Sugar Land, TX. We provide excellent customer service, offer skillful dental care, and use state-of-the-art technology in our procedures. Turn to our experts for gum disease treatment and more—we would be happy to help you achieve the healthy, happy smile of your dreams. Reach out today to find out more and schedule an appointment.

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