The Top Choice for Periodontics in Pearland, TX

If you need a professional team to provide excellent dental care and periodontics for you and your family, reach out to Dr. Friedberg & Associates. Our periodontal dentist has extensive experience performing various treatments to keep your gums healthy. We can help treat your condition and prevent your periodontal disease from progressing further. Turn to our friendly team for expert dental care in the Pearland, Texas, area today.

Periodontal Disease Treatment Options

Dr. Friedberg & Associates offers cutting-edge periodontics to restore your gums and keep them healthy. We use the following techniques in our office:

· Laser treatment with LANAP® is the only FDA-approved laser treatment. This procedure targets harmful bacteria and preserves healthy gum tissue.

· Crown lengthening can prevent tooth decay and gum disease in those whose gums cannot support a dental crown.

· Pinhole Surgical Technique™. This minimally invasive procedure quickly restores gum tissues.

· Gum grafts - Dr. Friedberg uses gum grafting to treat receding gums.

There are various factors to consider when it comes to periodontal disease. Our specialists will examine your gums and determine the state of your oral health before providing a custom treatment plan to address your concerns.

Contact Us to Schedule an Appointment

Dr. Friedberg & Associates uses state-of-the-art technology to treat periodontal disease, and we’re trusted for our periodontics in the Pearland, TX, area. We can help restore your gum health and support you with a personalized dental care plan. Reach out to our friendly staff today to learn more and schedule a consultation.

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