Comfortable Visits With Sedation Dentistry

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Relaxing Visits With IV Sedation

We know dental fear and anxiety can keep many Houston, TX patients out of the dental office, leaving them feeling as though there is no end in sight to their dental concerns. If this sounds like you, put your mind at ease. Here at Periodontal Associates of Greater Houston, we offer exceptional dental care and comfortable experiences to ensure your visit with us is relaxing and customized to your unique dental needs. When combining a rare combination of our friendly, welcoming staff, comfortable amenities and minimally invasive dental technology that makes it easy to overcome your dental fears, your visit with us can be an enjoyable one!

To ensure your comfort and relaxation during your appointment, we offer IV sedation dentistry services customized to your unique level of dental fear to minimize any anxiety or worry you may have. That's why we offer IV sedation instead of nitrous or any kind of oral sedation. In addition to your comfortability during your visit with us, our dental anesthesia helps to combine multiple treatments you may need into one efficient appointment, minimizing your visits and maximizing your dental care overall. We are proud to offer such comfortable visits and encourage you to experience sedation anesthesia near you so you can put your fears to rest with our dental anesthesia to not only provide exceptional dental care but change your relationship with dentistry and create a smile to last a lifetime!

Is Sedation Dentistry Right For Me?

Fear of the dentist

Sensitive gag reflex

Low pain threshold

Dental anxiety

Require multiple complex treatments

How IV Sedation Works

Intravenous conscious sedation (IV sedation) involves administering anesthesia through an IV to reduce anxiety and induce a state of relaxation. Most patients feel like they are in a dream state when the anesthesia is circulating through the body but are still awake, while others fall asleep.

This type of sedation is often necessary when patients are undergoing more complex procedures, such as dental implants or wisdom teeth removal. Our periodontist administers IV sedation and understands that some patients have a high level of fear or anxiety and procedures can be overwhelming or uncomfortable. IV sedation is a convenient solution for many patients.

Healthy Smiles With The Visit You’ll Keep

If the sight, sounds or smells of a dental office keep you out of the dental chair, sedation dentistry may be the solution that makes your next visit a comfortable one. What many of our patients don’t realize is that receiving regular dental care can actually help prevent not only more serious dental issues, but also whole-body issues from occurring. Untreated tooth decay can lead to gum disease, which can turn into tooth loss. When left untreated, the disease-causing bacteria found in gum disease can spread throughout the body and lead to diabetes complications, high blood pressure and even cardiovascular disease. Let us help you keep your mouth healthy and your smile radiant with the help of IV sedation so you can enjoy a happy smile for a lifetime.

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