A Highly Skilled Team Offering Dental Implants in Cypress, TX

Many patients believe that bridges and dentures are the only solutions to replace missing teeth; however, dental implants are another great option. Dental implants are permanent tooth restorations that fill in gaps in your smile. Dr. Friedberg & Associates proudly offers dental implants in the Cypress, Texas, area, and our implant dentist also provides the innovative All-on-4® system in addition to standard implants.

How Do Dental Implants Work?

Dental implants are crowns attached to titanium screws inserted into the jawbone. Dental implants function the same as your natural teeth and restore your ability to chew and speak without the need for traditional dentures or bridges. Theare designed to blend seamlessly with your smile for a beautiful appearance.

While traditional dentures can lead to bone deterioration and facial structure changes, dental implants stimulate bone growth. They also offer the following benefits:

· Improved appearance

· Enhanced jaw strength

· Decades of reliable performance (when maintained properly)

· Restored ability to talk and eat

Our team offers various options for dental implants, which include the following.

The All-on-4® Dental Implant System

This option is perfect for replacing a full arch of teeth (on the top or bottom) and doesn’t require bone grafting. All-on-4 uses four strategically placed implants to hold the set of teeth in place and restore your smile.

Implant-Supported Dentures

While traditional dentures have inconveniences like slipping and clicking, implant-supported dentures offer a more stable solution. With implant-supported dentures, you receive a better fit and longer-lasting restoration.

Zygomatic Dental Implants

Implants generally require a certain level of jawbone density to be successful. If you have extensive bone loss in your upper jaw, you may not be a candidate—but zygomatic dental implants may be an option. These implants are placed in the cheekbones instead of the jaw, making them a good alternative.

Our team will evaluate your bone density, tooth structure, and gum health to determine which dental implant is best for you.

Contact Our Friendly Team

Dr. Friedberg & Associates proudly serves patients in Cypress, TX, and would love to help you get the smile of your dreams. Reach out to learn more about our dental implants and schedule an appointment.

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