Effective Dental Treatment & Periodontics in Baytown, TX

If you’re one of the millions of Americans with periodontal disease, it’s essential that you receive proper treatment for your gums to ensure your condition doesn’t progress. Periodontal disease can cause serious problems with your oral health if left untreated. Reach out to the specialists for periodontics at Dr. Friedberg & Associates—we offer various oral health care services in the Baytown, Texas, area, and our team would be happy to provide treatment to keep your gums and teeth healthy.

Various Treatment Options

As each patient has specific needs for their unique case, Dr. Friedberg & Associates offers different treatment methods for periodontal disease. We implement the following in our treatment plans:

· Crown lengthening, which can prevent gum disease and tooth decay

· Gum grafting to treat receding gums caused by periodontal disease

· LANAP® treatment, the only FDA-approved laser treatment for periodontal disease, which eliminates harmful bacteria and leaves healthy gum tissue intact

· Pinhole Surgical Technique™, which effectively restores gum tissues using a minimally invasive approach

Our gum doctor will take numerous factors into account when planning your treatment. We will thoroughly evaluate your gums, teeth, and overall oral health to provide a customized treatment plan for you.

The Gum Specialist Serving Baytown, TX

Dr. Friedberg & Associates uses cutting-edge technology to treat periodontal disease and support our patients’ oral health. Reach out to schedule an appointment with our periodontics expert and learn more about our comprehensive dental care and gum disease treatments. Our team looks forward to meeting all your oral health care needs.

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