Dental Implants

All-On-4® Dental Implant Technique

The All-on-4 dental implant technique is specifically designed to use only four implants that are available for immediate function. All-on-4 dental implants do not typically require bone grafting, so they are an ideal solution for patients with areas of low bone density or volume.

Before the All-on-4 procedure begins, you will be comfortably numbed so that you will feel no pain or discomfort during the procedure. Four dental implants are then placed according to where the bone volume is best. Once the full mouth dental implants have been placed, the new or existing denture is used as the framework for a temporary set of teeth that will be attached that day.

Once Dr. Friedberg has determined the bone has fully integrated with the implant (3-4 months), the temporary teeth are removed and the new, final set of teeth are made and anchored into place permanently. Make an appointment today for more information on All-on-4 dental implants.

Benefits Of All-On-4®:

Minimal recovery time

Cost less than a single implant

No need for bone grafting

Easy oral hygiene and home care

Ability to eat and enjoy all foods

No more removable appliances

Long-term results

Bone level stabilization

Greater self-confidence and quality of life

A brand new smile in just one day!

Choose All-On-4® Dental Implants Over Dentures!

The All-on-4® Dental Implant solution is a viable option for patients who have low bone density or volume. All-on-4® Dental Implants are an alternative dental implant solution that maximizes the use of available bone for immediate use using just four implants! The All-on-4® technique has a 98.5% success rate at the four-year follow-up and has been provided to patients for over ten years.

Case Study 1

In this case study, the patient suffered from major oral health condition. The patient was frustrated not only with appearance of his smile but also with previous experiences he had at other practices. During previous consultations with other Doctors, the patient was told that removable “plates” were his only option.

The patient did not know that the All-on-4 ® Technique and Full Mouth Dental Implants were an option until coming to our practice. Once this procedure was performed, not only was Dr. Friedberg and our team able to restore this gentleman’s smile and function in several hours, we were also able to restore his confidence in his smile!

Top 5 Mistakes People Make With Dental Implants

Do you have all the information you need to make the right decisions about dental implants? Don’t make any of these five common mistakes. Our exclusive checklist will steer you in the right direction.

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