Gum Disease And The Development Of Systemic Diseases

When it comes to gum disease and the development of it there are quite a few risks. However, for the purpose of this article will be discussing the 7 major risks of gum disease development in Houston, TX. To be more specific, there is a direct link between your oral health and your overall health. Meaning that the development of gum disease can lead to the development of major health concerns. It has been proven that these seven systemic diseases below that affect overall health are related to having gum disease:

  1. Stroke
  2. Heart Disease
  3. Diabetes
  4. Erectile dysfunction
  5. Alzheimer’s disease
  6. Respiratory infections
  7. Pre-term low birth weight

Understanding the Links Between Gum Disease and Health Risks

As far as the link between gum disease and health risks is concerned it’s highly important to understand how negative oral health can lead to negative overall health. The initial stage of gum disease would be gingivitis and when you have gingivitis essentially you have bacteria in your mouth that causes your gums to become inflamed due to an infection. If you do not treat your Gum Disease in its initial stage and is allowed to develop to a more advanced stage, then it can spread to other parts of your body via your blood stream. The spread of this bacteria is what directly links your oral health to the development of systemic diseases.

Contact Our Office To Schedule Your Gum Disease Examination

If you feel as though you are experiencing gum disease then it would be very important if you would reach out to our Periodontal office in Houston, TX to schedule your gum disease examination. This will allow our doctor, Dr. Friedberg, to examine you and if needed provide you with the necessary treatment to rid you of your gum disease and improve your oral and overall health.

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